Thursday, November 19, 2009

Flashing Lights and Shooting Stars

Are athletes too soft? I mean, there used to be a stigma that pro athletes were "ghetto" and knew what was up in the 'hood. But seriously, learn to use a gun or just don't carry one.

First, there was the controversy over Bassy Telfair's chain and the mysterious Fabolous shooting. It's not a secret Telfair likes firearms of the unregistered variety as evidenced by his several arrests on gun charges. In fact, just a few months after the Fabolous incident, Telfair was arrested on the westside highway in New York City the day after the Celtics failed to make the playoffs with an unregistered gun. He was also driving without a license. Telfair, if you want to carry a gun around, don't do it to look cool, f'in use that thing when someone is trying to gank the chain off your neck you pansy!

Second, we have the lesson on when NOT to use your gun. I think you all know where this is going. Plaxico Burress shot himself in the leg last year causing himself a great deal of pain. That's right, it hurts when you shoot yourself AND they still put you in jail for it. Enough said, I think you all get the point here.

Finally, Jayson Williams will allegedly plead guilty this Friday to reduced charges after accidentally shooting and killing his driver. It is expected he will serve between 18 months and 3 years in jail. On the one hand, at least Williams didn't shoot himself. On the other, WHAT THE F WHERE YOU THINKING KILLING SOMEONE?! If you don't know how to use a gun, PUT IT DOWN.

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