Sunday, October 11, 2009


Tate Forcier

I get it... you are from San Diego. I've lived there. Its beautiful. The weather is always perfect for football. But Toto Forcier, you're not in the whales diego anymore. Get with the program. You can't cry about cold weather and your fingers not working when its 30 degrees out. What is going to happen when it snows- you'll pout and kill our chances of playing in a bowl game? Who is pouring cry baby serum in the Gatorade? Get with the program, alright? I love you. I think you're great, and that a National Championship is totally possible. However it's time we whip the sissy out of you boys and start winning again. In addition, WTF what are you doing falling onto your throwing shoulder every time you run the ball. You're already injured, do you really think diving and rolling to the right all the time is a bright idea... c'mon Tate. Think Left.

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