Tuesday, September 8, 2009

This Just in From the Desk of High Life Leitner

How on Earth did Tila Tequila and Shawne Merriman get together? Let's face it, if she’s been getting “A Shot of” something during the course of this relationship, I’m pretty sure it’s not love.

I applaud Ms. Tequila’s role in the recent scandal involving Chargers outside linebacker, Shawne Merriman. Whatever it takes to expose the 25 year old, steroid-guzzling, “Lights Out” dancing mess for what he really is has my respect.

While no one would dispute his athletic prowess, I’m more concerned by Merriman’s atrocious attitude on and off the field. Merriman seems to value lame antics and steroid-induced aggression and over demonstrations of sportsmanship and leadership. BTW Shawne, doing your stupid dance when your team is LOSING is asinine and just reinforces how immature you are.

Perhaps the NFL should look into amending the “Merriman Rule” to address choking one’s girlfriend? Oh, and Mr. Tomlinson, perhaps now is a good time to rethink your little hissy fit again the Pats? Whose teammate is “showing no class and being disrespectful” now?

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