Sunday, August 30, 2009


So, turns out Rich Rodriguez coaches a bunch of bitchy little girls. Not only can't the guys win, they apparently complain about having to practice so they don't suck. All I can say is when you have an undefeated season, maybe I'll give a shit about you have to actually practice. Until then, STFU! Apparently the Wolverines are a bunch of pathetic complainers who obviously don't deserve to win! I'm so ashamed not only of their actions but that their too big of cowards to identify themselves.

Finally, from a practical perspective I have little doubt we'll find out who these whiners are, once that information is in the open the bitches can say goodbye to a professional career because no NFL team would want guys that can't handle practicing. Moreover, those still on the team may have just kissed their chances of winning a national championship - or anything - goodbye. On the other hand, since they don't want to practice, I doubt they'd achieve anything anyways!

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