Saturday, June 13, 2009

Calhoun Falls Off the Horse... A Feeling I Know Well

So Jim Calhoun apparently fell off his bike during a 50 mile charity ride, broke 5 ribs and his helmet, got back on his horse, and rode to the finish line like a true champ. Upon completing the ride, he collapsed, was taken to the hospital where he learned he had broken 5 ribs and was dehydrated. When I read about this, I felt like Calhoun and I had some bizarre symbiotic biking fate.

I too recently fell off my bike and bit it hard. Although it really hurt, I got back on my pony and kept riding until someone laterally pegged my back tire and took me out. Needless to say, I fell, for the second time. And, like Calhoun I was even taken to the hospital after my second spill where I was told I had broken my collar bone! So, Jim, I feel your pain and I hope you are feeling better!

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