Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I forget the second part....

Ok, so tonight the Celtics pulled off of clutch win at home against the Bulls despite a rather lengthy injury list. Meanwhile, the Yankees won 11-0 against the Tigers in Detroit. Interestingly, I found myself fighting for TV space to watch the NBA playoffs opposed by some obviously intense Yankee fans. Without going into my traditional and obvious oration on why the Yankees suck or why a win against the Tigers – of all teams – at this point in the season is meaningless, I would like to point out that the Yankees suck.

Moving on, I would like to reference the above ESPN article which discusses how the current economic situation is affecting our professional athletic teams and leagues, especially the NBA. The author discusses how the ’09 All Star Weekend in Arizona represented the “No Benjamins Association” rather than the National Basketball Association. Frankly, I am offended. I imagine most of the players in the MLS are offended. In fact, I bet about an eighth of the NFL is offended. The guys that played in the ABA are aghast at such an analogy.

Sure, the $90 million endorsement deals don’t exist anymore. But can you seriously justify in your mind paying someone that amount of money to wear a logo for 10 years?! Stadiums no longer bear historical names, representing a brand of team heritage; now they’re sponsored: Gillette Stadium, Bank North Garden. People used to have a different mentality about sports, men and women alike.

... and I forget the second part... Actually, no, I don't. But, I think this part is so funny I am going to let it settle before I deliver the rest.

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